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HDMI Cable Not Working With Roku: Here’s How To Fix Your Wiring

HDMI Cable Not Working With Roku: Here’s How To Fix Your Wiring

An HDMI cable is an essential element of any entertainment setup, but what if it is not working with your Roku device? Your streaming device can lose signal or not display any output.

This guide will take you through the steps of how to know when there is a problem with the HDMI cable and how you can troubleshoot the problem.

Why is the HDMI cable not working with my Roku?

  • The television to HDMI connection is faulty.
  • The cable for the Roku is damaged.
  • Roku hardware is damaged.
  • There has been a temporary power problem.
  • There has been an update on the Roku device.

Symptoms of a faulty HDMI Cable on a Roku Device

The Roku device will tell you when there is a problem with the HDMI cable. On the screen of your television, an error message will appear in a black box. Within that message, the details of the HDMI failure will be noted. However, it will not say exactly what is wrong with the HDMI cable.

Sometimes, the error message appears, and the screen goes black. We have often found that when this happens, the sound is still playing in the background. The error message will disappear if you press the home button on your Roku remote or Roku mobile app.

How do I fix HDMI on my Roku?

Pull out and Reattach HDMI Cable

The first fix is to pull the HDMI cable out of the back of the Roku device and then reattach it.

Restart the Roku Device

Now you should try to do is restart the Roku. This will solve the problem in most cases. But first, you need to ensure that the problem is not caused by the channel that you’re using. To do this, on your Roku controller or the Roku App on your phone, click on the home button to go to the start screen.

If you can access the home screen without the message appearing, then there is probably a software problem. You should still reset the Roku device.

To restart your Roku device from this point, scroll down on the left-hand menu to the ‘Settings’ option. On the ‘Settings’ menu, you need to find the ‘System’ option and then on this menu find the ‘System Restart’ option. This will turn the Roku device off and on again.

Restart the Roku Device – Black Screen

If the screen is still black after you’ve pressed the home button on your remote, you need to do a manual restart. To do this, go to the Roku device and turn it off at the switch. Ensure the device has been turned off for at least 30 seconds.

After 30 seconds, turn the device back on and then check that the device is working.

We have often found that restarting the Roku device fixes about 90% of HDMI cable issues.

Check TV Connection

Next, you need to make sure that your HDMI input is working properly on your television. To check this, take another device that can stream at home and input it into the same HDMI port on your television.

If the new device works without a problem, then the TV is fine. If you’re still experiencing issues with the HDMI, then the port is broken. This is more likely to happen when you have manually switched over the HDMI cable for numerous devices, and the physical movement has damaged the input.

You can avoid this in the future by using an HDMI splitter. We have found these very useful and can save time when wanting to switch between devices.

You can often find a local service that can repair the HDMI port, and this can be cheaper than replacing the television.

Check HDMI Cable

Next, you need to check the HDMI cable. This is a very simple process. All you need to do is get another HDMI cable from a different device and then test your Roku again. If the problem persists, look elsewhere.

Change the Roku Device

If everything else has failed, then the Roku device must have experienced a problem. Therefore, you will need to replace the device. This is very rare, as we’ve found the Roku device to be very robust, but it can happen. For example, if the Roku has been accidentally knocked off its stand, it may need to be replaced.


Hopefully, you got the HDMI cable working again with your Roku streaming device. Make sure to use a compatible cable and diagnose other issues with the TV if the issue is still there.


  • Michael Stokes

    Over 10 years of experience working as a technical support engineer. Highly skilled in fixing any technical issue, including app configuration and account setup, gaming errors, television problems, and any other electronics-related issue. You can find out more about him at

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