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BBC iPlayer Not Working On Tablet? How To Fix The Video App

BBC iPlayer Not Working On Tablet? How To Fix The Video App

BBC iPlayer is available to watch on nearly all smart devices, so why it is not working on your tablet?

We have written this easy-to-follow guide to assist you in being able to understand the common causes of this issue, and what steps you can take to fix it without much hassle.

Why has BBC iPlayer stopped working on my tablet?

If your BBC iPlayer app is not working on your tablet, it can be the result of a few reasons.

Reason 1. Tablets operating system is out of date

BBC iPlayer has recently updated its software, changing how the app operates which has caused the system to only be compatible with an Android operating system of 5.0 and newer.

If your tablet is still operating on 4.0 or lower, it will not be able to process iPlayer successfully, as there will be conflicting software between the app and your tablet.

Reason 2. Country settings

We know BBC iPlayer is a UK-based streaming platform, so if you have accidentally changed your country settings to be outside of the UK, iPlayer will not be able to stream successfully as it won’t be able to pick up the correct channels.

Reason 3. Storage space too full

If BBC iPlayer’s cache files become too full over a period of time, this will hinder the app’s performance by slowing down the processing time and can cause it to fail.

Reason 4. BBC Media Player is required

In some instances, BBC iPlayer needs a BBC media player to be downloaded to work in accordance with the app.

If you currently do not have BBC Media Player installed, this may be the reason why you are unable to get your iPlayer to work on your tablet.

NOTE: BBC may be experiencing issues with their server, whether it’s planned maintenance, or there is an issue causing it to malfunction.

How to fix BBC iPlayer on a tablet?

Just because your BBC iPlayer is experiencing a problem on your tablet does not mean it has to stay like that.

Here are a few solutions that can be very useful to you in this regard:

Fix 1. Update your operating system

Updating your operating system is the first thing you should be checking on your tablet, as it’s one of the main causes for BBC iPlayer not working.

Your system needs to be a minimum of Android 5.0 to be compatible with the BBC app.

How do you update the operating system on an Android tablet?

Step 1. Go into your ‘Settings’

Step 2. Find and click on ‘About’

Step 3. Press ‘System Update’

You will now be able to check for any possible updates that you may need to install to get your software compatible with the BBC iPlayer app.

Fix 2. Check your app settings

You may have accidentally changed your ‘Country and Profile’ settings on your BBC iPlayer app to be outside of the UK.

You can check your location settings;

Step 1. Go into ‘Settings’

Step 2. Click on ‘Change location’

Another setting on your device that may be interfering with iPlayer streaming programs is your clock.

Make sure the time on your device is correct, as if you are attempting you watch a LIVE program on BBC, it will not be synced correctly.

Step 1. Go into ‘Settings’ on your tablet

Step 2. Select ‘Date and Time’

Step 3. Switch on ‘Automatic date and time’ as well as ‘Automatic time zone’

Fix 3. Clear cache files

We already know clearing the cache files off of your BBC iPlayer app will free up storage space and get rid of any bugs in the software of the app.

Emptying the cache files will improve BBC iPlayer’s performance, helping the streaming to run smoothly.

Step 1. On your table, go into ‘Settings’

Step 2. Click on ‘Apps’

Step 3. Find BBC iPlayer

Step 4. Select ‘Clear Cache’

Note: It is recommended to restart your tablet after you have cleared the cache files to refresh its connection.

Fix 4. Download BBC Media Player

Due to BBC iPlayer possibly needing the BBC media player to run in conjunction with the app, downloading the feature may be just what it needs.

Step 1. Go onto your app store

Step 2. Search for BBC Media Player

Step 3. Download and install it onto your tablet

Launching both of the apps at the same time should get BBC iPlayer working on your tablet.

Fix 5. Power reset the internet connection

Another reason can be that your internet connection may be interfering with the BBC iPlayer app on your tablet.

In this case, restarting your wifi router will reconnect your device;

Step 1. Remove your router from being connected to power

Step 2. Wait 5 – 10 minutes

Step 3. Plug your router back in and connect

Fix 6. Reinstall app

Uninstalling iPlayer and reinstalling it can get rid of any problems the app is experiencing on your tablet.

You may have encountered corrupted software when you initially downloaded the app, so redoing this can be the solution to this problem.

Step 1. Delete the app from your tablet

Step 2. Access your app store

Step 3. Download iPlayer

Tip, restarting your tablet before you download the app again is beneficial in getting rid of any data still saved on your device.


BBC iPlayer is a popular streaming platform in the UK, and it is on the ‘Best catch-up TV service’ list.

It is available on pretty much all smart devices, so BBC iPlayer not working on a tablet is not what we want to experience when trying to watch our favorite TV program.

We hope this guide has helped you to understand why you were experiencing these issues, and that you were able to fix this problem with our easy fixes supplied in this article.


  • Michael Stokes

    Over 10 years of experience working as a technical support engineer. Highly skilled in fixing any technical issue, including app configuration and account setup, gaming errors, television problems, and any other electronics-related issue. You can find out more about him at

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