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TikTok Keeps Unliking Videos: 4 Step Fix

TikTok Keeps Unliking Videos: 4 Step Fix

To unlike a video on TikTok, usually you have to go and click on the heart button (again) to remove your feedback on the reel. If you’ve been experiencing TikTok unliking videos without this happening, you may be asking yourself, ‘How is it possible this can happen without my knowledge?’ 

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the exact steps to take to solve this issue at the earliest.

Why is TikTok Unliking my videos?

Reason 1. Exceeded like limit

TikTok allocates 500 likes per day to users on the app.

If you have exceeded this limit while you are reacting to videos you see on your FYP (For You Page), your like will not reach the video.

Reason 2. TikTok server is down

TikTok can automatically unlike your clips if its server is experiencing issues that affect TikTok’s algorithms and software.

If the apps server is down, reactions made to videos will not get processed successfully, because the communication request from your action to the TikTok server is disrupted.

Reason 3. Internet issue

If you were not connected to the internet when you liked a video on TikTok, the like will not get added to the video.

If your network connection is working but intermittent or not fast enough, this will also interfere with the app processing your request to like a video.

How to stop TikTok from unliking videos

Fix 1. Stay With the Limit

The first fix is that you need to make sure you are staying within the maximum of 500 likes per day. 

TikTok does not keep track of this for you. So, if you are actively on TikTok throughout the day, you will need to keep a mental note of roughly how many likes you are giving out.

Fix 2. Confirm TikTok server status

You won’t be able to fix your TikTok app if the server is down.

This can be due to maintenance or an unexpected issue that temporarily affects the app’s normal functioning.

You can, however, stay up to date with the status of TikTok’s server, so you will know as soon as it’s up and running again.

Fix 3. Check internet connection

Make sure your Wifi router is connected, and supplying an internet connection, or your mobile data has not run out.

If your internet is experiencing intermittent issues, power reset your router.

On mobile data, switch your phone off and on again.

Fix 4. Wait it out

If you have been temporarily banned from liking too many videos on TikTok, you will have to wait out the 24 – 48 hour time frame.

You won’t be able to do anything from your TikTok account. When you go onto your profile, it will state, ‘This account is currently suspended’

You’ll know when you’ll get full access to TikTok when this notice disappears, and you can see your profile details.

How do I stop my TikTok from tapping so fast?

Have you tried to like a video on TikTok, but you are faced with the error message; ‘You’re tapping too fast, take a break!’

You are experiencing this message because you like too many videos in a short time without watching the full video.

Doing this, flags your account up as a ‘bot’ (a fake profile) so TikTok will temporarily ban your account.

When TikTok bans an account temporarily, you can’t like or comment on any videos for a short period.

The time frame lasts between 24 – 48 hours. After that, you can have full access to your profile and like/comment on creators’ videos.

Can you fix the error message; ‘You’re tapping too fast, take a break!’?

This error message is only temporary and will be removed by TikTok. The best thing to do when faced with this message is to wait it out.

If, however, you want to fix the ban (Not sure if it will work), you can try clearing your TikTok’s cache files.

  • Launch TikTok and go onto your ‘Profile’
  • Select the 3 lines at the top of the screen
  • Under ‘Cache and Cellular Data’ click on ‘Clear Cache’

This will clear all the data from your app and potentially get rid of any errors.


With a better understanding of why TikTok keeps unliking your favorite clips, along with the easy fixes, we hope you were able to get back to interacting and networking on your social media app.

If you still need guided assistance, contact TikTok’s Help Center or email them directly at

Remember, you can ‘Report A Problem’ via the mobile app and submit feedback relating to your query or concern.

To stay up to date with what’s going on, follow TikTok’s support page on Twitter.


  • Tauqeer Ahmed

    Tauqeer Ahmed is a technology expert with over 10 years of experience in the industry. He has a degree in Computer Science and specializes in network security and software troubleshooting. You can find out more about him at

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