Telegram is easy to use and is really practical with its cross-platform compatibility, making it one of the most popular cloud-based messaging services around. As good as Telegram is, it doesn’t come without its issues. With users finding that they Can’t send messages on Telegram
We have all of the answers right here for this issue. With this being said, below are some reasons and their easy fixes.
Why can’t I send messages on Telegram?
- No internet connection
- The wifi keeps dropping out
- You’re blocked on Telegram
- Telegram needs updating
- Telegram is down
How to fix when Telegram can’t send messages
Fix 1. Check your internet connection
First things first, check your internet connection is running how it should be. If you’re using wifi, using an internet speed test is a great way to see if your connection is working how it should be.
If your internet isn’t working as it should be, we’d recommend rebooting your router. You can do this simply by unplugging your box from the wall. Alternatively, if you are using mobile data to send Telegram messages, make sure to turn off the wifi on your phone as it may be trying to connect to open wifi.
Another great way to check whether your issue is related to your internet is to toggle your wifi off and on and see if the app allows messages to be sent via Mobile Data. If you find you can send them via Mobile Data the indication points towards an issue with your wifi.
However, if your internet connection is working as it should be, we’d recommend following the next steps.
Fix 2. Check for updates
Like all apps, Telegram requires regular updates. Without the updates, the app will be unable to fix any bugs, which eventually leads to the app not working at all. If you don’t have the auto app updates enabled, you can manually update your apps by heading to the app store and then choosing the ones that you want to update.
Updating an app is a popular way to resolve app issues. However, if you can’t update an app, here’s what to do next.
Fix 3. Delete the app and reinstall it
If you’ve updated your Telegram app to the latest version but find you’re still unable to send messages, the next step is to delete the app from your device and then reinstall it. By doing this, it provides the app with a full refresh.
Fix 4. Restart your device
Once you’ve deleted and reinstalled the app, if your device is still having issues, next we’d recommend fully restarting your device. Whether this is your phone, desktop or tablet. By completely turning the device off and then restarting it can make the app work again.
Fix 5. Disable your VPN
If you happen to be using a VPN whilst using the Telegram app we’d recommend disabling this. This is due to your VPN potentially connecting to a country where the app is banned. Especially if you choose a random destination.
However, if you do not want to disable your VPN whilst trying to send messages on Telegram, we’d recommend using a country where it is legal such as the UK or another State.
Fix 6. Clear Telegram Cache
Clearing the Telegram cache on your phone from time to time is important. As Telegram stores, lots of data, from every image viewed, to videos and chats. In order to keep the information of these, Telegram puts these in the cache.
When an app has too much-stored cache data, it does affect the ability of the app. Therefore, cleaning out your cache is a great way to resolve your issue.
Here’s how to do so:
- Find the Telegram app on your device
- Click the 3 dots in the top left corner
- Choose Data & Storage usage
- Then clear cache.
Once you’ve done this, your cache should be clear, to put this to the test close down your app and try to open it again and see if this makes a difference to your Telegram.
Although Telegram is usually a well-functioning app, this may have its problems from time to time. Luckily the troubleshooting methods provided should resolve any issues with your app. If you find you’re still having issues, we’d recommend attempting another device as Telegram can be used on multiple platforms.
However, if you’re looking for an alternative platform, users find Whatsapp to be a great alternative.
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